01 November 2016

Transfer of Brokers

I received some emails from my readers, asking how to open a trading account and how to have me as their broker.

Opening a trading account is free, and the only charges come in when there is a completed transaction. That said, there is no charges for queuing trade orders, min-sum required to deposit and etc. More details can be found at http://sgstocksandshares.blogspot.sg/p/blog-page.html.

For readers who already have a UOB Kay Hian trading account, there are 2 ways to go about this.

1. You can open another trading account at UOB Kay Hian with me or another broker you have in mind. Every time when you trade using a particular account, you will be supporting the broker in charge of the account.

2. For those with existing UOB Kay Hian trading accounts, you can consider switching brokers. After which, you can still do trades on your own.  The broker in charge will be changed to me, and should you need any help, such as withdrawing of funds, writing appeal letters to SGX due to short selling, I will be the one doing so. Everything remains the same

But before you consider switching brokers, I suggest you try to contact your existing brokers and keep in touch with them first.

I started this blog to serve as my bookmarks, educating and sharing with my readers I meet along the way. However, some of the postings here are delayed as my clients ought to have the information first.

After all, trading and investing is a social game. I hope this little blog space serves you well. 