28 March 2018

Whatsapp Group for SG Stock Sharing

When I started this blog, it is meant for my personal bookmarking and referencing. Not to mention, it helps to document my thoughts too. And as the years passed, the blog has evolved over time, becoming an online gathering point to meet acquaintances and other like-minded people. It is a good virtual stop to educate and share information with others.

My life as a stockbroker has also changed my perspectives not just on the stock market and trading. It changes my views on market participants too. I echo the same sentiments as an average retail trader, wanting lowest brokerage fees and best accurate market tip and etc. It is not entirely wrong wanting the best at the lowest cost. (i shall elaborate more when I have the time to do so in the next post.) Yet no one owes anyone anything. The mentality of every man for himself is not wrong. But surely it will be good if we can work together. After all, no man is an island.

Sadly, in almost every cases, there are extreme examples, skewing statistics. I encountered acquaintances with literally no introductions or greetings, contact me via email or phone asking for stock tips and market conditions. Being a nice person and unsure of this unexpected contact, I still give my best to update and educate. thinking probably it is a long lost friend or a dormant client who decided to participate in the market again, wondering who can that be in the back of my mind.

Unfortunately once I have done updating this 'friend', the line was cut. The anonymous remain, anonymous.

Sharing, volunteering, and giving are acts of altruism. It should not be demanded, forced or in any forms of expected exchange.

It will be nicer to leave a pseudonym to say the very least. Or at least pretend to.

In any case, I have to move ahead, to be in line with the recent times. A blog is a good point to begin with, but not 'fast enough'. A mobile group chat will be instantaneous and real time.

There is this Whatsapp group that I am invited to join. It is in line with this blog and I thank the person who invited me in. Surely it is not a group with 100% stock tips or 100% accurate calls. It is, however, a group to share and to monitor the current market, rumors, and gossips. It is for the bold and daring to take a chance, the bored to watch and be entertained.

Not forgetting the fact that sharing helps everyone to improve. Group chats will be much more efficient than a blog. In any case, the mute button is always there if the group chat gets too exciting.

Yet don't get me wrong, I am not abandoning this blog. Have not been updating the blog I know. I will find time to do so. And I am moving with times, learning as well. :)

Pm me for the chat link.