29 January 2016

Note: M1, Keppel Corp, Singpost, ST engineering

Kindly note of the following counters which are worth taking a look

1) M1 - dividends declared which is about 3.5% yield at price of 2.25
Defensive telco

2) keppel corp - 4.6% yield for dividend of 22 cents to be paid in April. Low downside vs upside.

3) singpost current price at 1.30 dividend yield of about 4% 
Defensive counter

4) St engineering - yield of about 3.6%
Highly defensive as gov biz in the defence and multi-industry

Current prices are at multi year lows close to 2009-2010 crisis levels.

In my personal views, quite unlikely to reach 2008 levels unless there is some major fallout or so. In such uncertain conditions, my suggestion is to 'nibble and take some' when the price is low.

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